he gagame a job b that summaring the the lipatteard working on the assembly line, putting not involved together unfrequency counterors。 he gave me a job in a place that book。and i was in heaven, and i've never found anyone who said no or hunt up the phone when i call, i just asked。and when people ask me, i try to be as responsible to pay that get a gratitude back嗯,most people never pick up the phone and call。most people never ask, and that's what separates sometimes the people who do things from the people that just dream about你標的Instagram點贊(低質量→真實外觀),你標的Instagram點贊[優質→有機增長]。and you gotta be willing to fail, you've got to be wonto ccrasburburyou know with people on the phone with starting a company, whatever, if youafraid to failing一共給不少份。other people have given up on you don't ever give up on yourself。嗯,no one's written your destiny for you, does you write your own destiny? you make your own future?my father left my family when i was two years old。

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