但是後來獲得了N I H就是福奇領導的土城小額借款國家衛生研究院的土城房屋借款審查和批准。那這句話的土城房屋借錢潛臺詞包括兩個要點,第一是變相承認了。baric和時政理的土城小額借款研究是屬於gainer function。第二,無論是福奇對這個附件的土城房屋借錢標注還是副手的短訊手機驗證回答,都能夠證明福奇對此是知情的土城房屋借錢那伏羲回復郵件說statent繼續關注。有趣的土城房屋借款是,上個月啊,福奇在參議院聽證參議員rainpoll引用了福奇郵件裡attach的土城房屋借錢這篇文章,追問道瑞和實證裡的風向研究是否是功能增益性研究。當時福奇撒謊完全否定,那bpaul又追問了他領導下的風向N I H是否資助了武漢實驗室的土城房屋借款功能增益性研究呢?福奇的風向回答也是百分之百的短訊手機驗證否定docttertriougime。we dont know whether the pandemics started in a lab in wu haon or evolved naturally, but we should want to know three million people have died from this pandemic, and that should cause us us exexplore all possibilities。instead, government authorities self interested in continuing gain of function research say, theres nothing to see here gain of function research, as you know, is juicing up naturally occurring animal viruses to infect humans to arrive at the truth。the U S government should admit that the wohon verology institute was experimenting to enhance the croof of dissibility to infect humans。

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