um i mean, if if that was the case, i would brear much, but think its better silly to be finding people for nowhere。and i feel like people probably arent taking it as seriously。 now in new suck playes, like at the trains and buses are really busy on my way to work。yeah, i mean, i if you if ththks that to get really daddy getting new sckyes es, like ying acting and a way。 but i think like everyone was a lot more panics during the first wave。 but everyones i dont know it is coming back in。its knoing but no ones like as shot, like oh my god just paneic, but i know its could come back worse steep,就是都窩在家裡不敢出來啊。然後現在就是guys幹啥幹啥,不要不要想的三峽房屋借錢太好好的三峽公司週轉事情,沒有這麼順利的play 商店 下載,所以三峽企業週轉你就是預防勝過治療,你都是當他會發生,所以簡訊認證家裡也是要備一點東西之類的三峽土地借錢。但是我覺得現在的play 商店 下載東西都蠻都都市面上都還是有很多不像之前第第一波的三峽房屋借錢時候,哇,你要買個口罩,我第一次覺得口罩,他說要買一個區域防磨劑,五塊錢一個,嚇死我了,五塊錢一個。我說天驕,he could predict what ts going happen I I thats thats scious part about it。i think it made me more reflective and ponda, how how a simple bars can change the way we work the way we live the whole society, the whole global society。

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